Attention Northwestern Junior/Senior High School families: All students in grades 7 and 12 must have updated meningococcal and Tdap vaccinations. These records were due on the first day of school. If your student has not turned in an updated immunization record or signed a waiver form they will be excluded from school after 9-9-24 until the requirement is met. Please turn in updated immunization records to the clinic. Thank you very much!
6 months ago, Rebecca Kleinhenz
This is a reminder for current 8th grade students and families. The 8th grade Washington D.C. trip informational meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 28th, from 7-8 pm in the high school cafeteria. Please enter at the activities entrance doors.
7 months ago, Rebecca Kleinhenz
This is just a reminder that Thursday, August 15th our Junior/Senior High Open House will be from 4-6 pm. At that time, all 7th-12th grade students will be able to pick up their schedules. Any student who is unable to pick up their schedules at Open House are able to do so during regular office hours on Friday, August 16th and Monday, August 19th (7 am-3 pm). We look forward to seeing everyone this year!
7 months ago, Rebecca Kleinhenz
Hello Northwestern Families, Here is a reminder from the Clinic: All students in grades 7 and 12 must have updated meningococcal and Tdap vaccinations. Additionally, any new student to the district must have a comprehensive shot record. These records are due on or before the first day of school. As of 9-5-24, students missing the above will be exempt from school. If your student will be requiring medication from the clinic, medication release forms must be signed by a parent and physician. This includes over-the-counter and prescription medications. Release forms can be found on the Northwestern website under health and wellness. They can also be obtained from the front offices of both schools and/or from the nurses. Thank you for your time and consideration.
7 months ago, Dawn Robinette
As August 1st is rapidly approaching, we wanted to share some important upcoming dates for our Northwestern Junior and Senior High families. Tuesday, August 13th: 7th grade orientation will be at 5:30 pm. 7th graders will also be able to get their class schedules at that time. Tuesday, August 13th: 9th grade orientation will be at 7:00 pm. 9th graders will also be able to get their class schedules at that time Thursday, August 15th: Open House will be from 4-6 pm. At that time, all 7th-12th grade students will be able to pick up their schedules. Any student who is unable to pick up their schedules at the dates and times noted above are able to do so during regular office hours on Friday, August 16th and Monday, August 19th (7 am-3 pm). We look forward to seeing everyone this year!
8 months ago, Rebecca Kleinhenz
We are pleased to inform you that the results of Ohio's State Tests for grades 7 and 8, as well as the high school end-of-course assessments, are now available online. The electronic results can be accessed through the ProgressBook Parent Access and Student portals. Students also received their individual reports on the last day of school. To view your child's test scores online, please follow these steps: - Log in to the ProgressBook Parent Access through ProgressBook Parent Access. - Navigate to the 'Assessment Scores' section on the left side and select the 'Assessment Type' from the dropdown. - Review your child's scores that will be displayed on the screen. These assessments are a valuable tool for understanding your child’s academic progress and areas where they may need additional support. We encourage you to discuss these results with your child. Thank you for your continued partnership in your child’s education.
9 months ago, Rebecca Kleinhenz
Good afternoon, Northwestern Junior and Senior High School families. This message is to wish you all a wonderful summer and pass on a few reminders. Today, students received their individual student report for state testing. These reports show how your child performed in different areas of the test. Final grades will be made available to view on Progressbook on May 24th and grade cards will be mailed home on Tuesday, May 28th. Lastly, information regarding important changes to the student handbook, including a new cell phone policy for the junior and senior high school will be shared via various mediums by June 30th. Again, have a wonderful summer, Warriors! Enjoy it!
10 months ago, Rebecca Kleinhenz
Hello Northwestern families. If your child has medication in the clinic, please pick it up by Wednesday, May 22. The medication will be properly disposed of after May 22 if it is not picked up.
10 months ago, Amy Fraker
This is a reminder to 7th grade families: an informational meeting regarding the 2024 Washington D.C. trip will be held Tuesday, May 14th at 6:00 pm in the junior high gym. If you can not attend the meeting, the information will be sent home with your child on Wednesday.
10 months ago, Rebecca Kleinhenz
The Junior/Senior Powderpuff game has been rescheduled to 12:45 on Friday, May 17th. Family members are still encouraged to attend. Thank you!
11 months ago, Northwestern Local Schools
This is a reminder to all Northwestern Junior and Senior High Students. Tomorrow, Tuesday, April 16, we have Math state testing for all 7th and 8th graders, and Algebra I for all Algebra I students and students who still need to pass the test. Students who are testing need to be at school at the regular time and report directly to their testing locations. All other students will be on a two-hour delay. If you are not testing, make arrangements to arrive two hours later, if possible, as busses will be running at the regular time. Test takers, get a good night's sleep, eat breakfast, and charge your Chromebook overnight!
11 months ago, Rebecca Kleinhenz
Hello Parents and Students. Don't forget! College Credit Plus (CCP) Intent to Participate Forms are due on March 22, 2024. The Intent Form is due annually and is required for all students in grades 7 - 12 who intend to take college classes through the CCP program for the next school year. Contact your child's counselor with questions.
about 1 year ago, Amy Fraker
Attention Senior Families: If you have placed a graduation order, great – Jostens will be here on Thursday March 21st to deliver at lunch in the lobby. We plan to deliver at SCCTC on Thursday April 4th at lunch in the cafeteria at CTC. If you haven’t ordered or need to add to your order, you can order at or call our office to order by phone : 937-280-4350.
about 1 year ago, Dawn Robinette
Hello Parents and Students. Don't forget! College Credit Plus (CCP) Intent to Participate Forms are due on March 22, 2024. The Intent Form is due annually and is required for all students in grades 7 - 12 who intend to take college classes through the CCP program for the next school year. Contact your child's counselor with questions.
about 1 year ago, Amy Fraker
Hello Parents and Students. Don't forget! College Credit Plus (CCP) Intent to Participate Forms are due on March 22, 2024. The Intent Form is due annually and is required for all students in grades 7 - 12 who intend to take college classes through the CCP program for the next school year. Contact your child's counselor with questions.
about 1 year ago, Amy Fraker
Northwestern Junior/Senior Prom will be on Saturday, April 27th from 8pm-11pm at the Springfield Country Club. Tickets are on sale now on Hometown Ticketing! If a Junior or Senior is bringing a date who is not a current NW student, they must pick up a Date Form in the Main Office and return it completed and signed by Thursday, April 25th.
about 1 year ago, Northwestern Local Schools
about 1 year ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Hello Parents of Seniors! Your children have received several email notifications over the past two days regarding scholarship opportunities. We have a generous community! Please encourage your senior to check their email and the scholarship page on the counseling website. Scholarship deadlines are approaching.
about 1 year ago, Amy Fraker
There has been a change to the date of the next PBIS Open Lunch. Open lunch will now be on March 1st for those who qualify.
about 1 year ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Hello Parents! The Blue Ribbon Breakfast will be rescheduled for Friday, February 2 at 7:45 a.m. Students who qualified received a letter in their homeroom two weeks ago. We look forward to celebrating your child's success!
about 1 year ago, Amy Fraker