Hello Parents of students in grades 6 - 11. This is your weekly friendly reminder to have your child turn in their College Credit Plus (CCP) Intent to Participate form no later than April 1, 2025. Turning in the Intent form is only the first step in the process. You will find more information about CCP on the counseling website at the following link. https://sites.google.com/nwlschools.org/counseling/college-credit-plus Also, Sinclair has several CCP information nights in the near future. Click on the following link for more details. https://www.sinclair.edu/academics/ccp/ccp-information-nights/#msdynttrid=9KPImBjG7i3klGtgrLZZ_k5xM7-kVwlzWcosLaR505M Contact your child's counselor with questions. Rachel Poynter - last names beginning with A - K. Amy Fraker - last names beginning with L - Z
7 days ago, Amy Fraker
Hello Parents and Guardians of 7th grade students. Your child will receive a letter today regarding scheduling preferences for 8th grade. Students can choose up to 2 selections, but they only have to choose one elective course. Please ask your child for the letter and talk with your child about their preferences. The letter is due back to Ms. Kepler by March 21. Contact information is on the letter if you have any questions. Thank you!
10 days ago, Amy Fraker
Hello Parents of students in grades 6 - 11. This is your weekly friendly reminder to have your child turn in their College Credit Plus (CCP) Intent to Participate form no later than April 1, 2025. Turning in the Intent form is only the first step in the process. You will find more information about CCP on the counseling website at the following link. https://sites.google.com/nwlschools.org/counseling/college-credit-plus Also, Sinclair has several CCP information nights in the near future. Click on the following link for more details. https://www.sinclair.edu/academics/ccp/ccp-information-nights/#msdynttrid=9KPImBjG7i3klGtgrLZZ_k5xM7-kVwlzWcosLaR505M Contact your child's counselor with questions. Rachel Poynter - last names beginning with A - K Amy Fraker - last names beginning with L - Z
14 days ago, Amy Fraker
Hello Parents of students in grades 6 - 11. This is your weekly friendly reminder to have your child turn in their College Credit Plus (CCP) Intent to Participate form no later than April 1, 2025. Turning in the Intent form is only the first step in the process. You will find more information about CCP on the counseling website at the following link. https://sites.google.com/nwlschools.org/counseling/college-credit-plus Also, Sinclair has several CCP information nights in the near future. Click on the following link for more details. https://www.sinclair.edu/academics/ccp/ccp-information-nights/#msdynttrid=9KPImBjG7i3klGtgrLZZ_k5xM7-kVwlzWcosLaR505M Contact your child's counselor with question. Rachel Poynter - last names beginning with A - K Amy Fraker - last names beginning with L - Z
21 days ago, Amy Fraker
Good afternoon, Northwestern Junior and Senior High families. This evening's Junior High Choir Concert has been rescheduled to Tuesday, February 25th, at 6:00 pm. All other regularly scheduled after school events today are still on as originally scheduled.
25 days ago, Rebecca Kleinhenz
Hello Parents of students in grades 6 - 11. Please remind your child to turn in their College Credit Plus (CCP) Intent to Participate form to the counseling office no later than April 1, 2025 if your child intents to take CCP courses for the 2025-2026 school year. More information can be found on the Northwestern website. The link is below. Contact your child's counselor with questions. Rachel Poynter for students with last names beginning with A - K. Amy Fraker for students with last names beginning with L - Z. https://sites.google.com/nwlschools.org/counseling/college-credit-plus
26 days ago, Amy Fraker
Seniors, we are getting closer to the BIG day! ARE YOU READY!? If you have already ordered you graduation items, Great! Jostens will be delivering at Northwestern on Thursday, February 20, 10:30am . (CTC students can either pick up at Northwestern on the 2/20 or items will be delivered to CTC on April 2nd, during lunch) If you haven’t ordered, or need to add to your order you can do so at the link below or call Jostens at 937-280-4350. Corrected link below! https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/packageBrowse/1048429/NORTHWESTERN-HIGH-SCHOOL/Graduation/2598851125/CATALOG_REPOSITORY/PACKAGES
about 1 month ago, Rebecca Kleinhenz
Hello Families who have students in grades 6 - 11. This is a friendly reminder that College Credit Plus (CCP) Intent to Participate forms are due to the Jr.Sr. High Counseling office no later than April 1, 2025. CCP Information including the Intent forms can be found at the following link. https://sites.google.com/nwlschools.org/counseling/college-credit-plus
about 1 month ago, Amy Fraker
Northwestern Junior/Senior High School Parents, This is just a reminder that the first round of 2nd semester parent-teacher conferences will be this Thursday, January 23rd, from 3-7pm. These will be held on a walk-in basis. Additionally, there will be an 8th grade parent/guardian meeting in the cafeteria at 5:00 pm to share information about high school scheduling and an informational CCP follow up meeting in the cafeteria at 6:00 pm. Thank you!
about 2 months ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Hello Parents of students in Grades 6 - 11. The countywide College Credit Plus (CCP) meeting will be held this evening at the Kuss auditorium. College Reps are available from 5:30 - 6:30. The presentation will begin at 6:30. Breakout sessions with each high school will occur after the large group presentation. Do not worry if you can't make it tonight. We will have a CCP re-cap meeting during parent teacher conferences at 6 p.m. on January 23. in the high school cafeteria. Take care and stay warm!
about 2 months ago, Amy Fraker
Hello Parents of Seventh and Eighth Grade Students. The Blue Ribbon Breakfast will be this Friday, January 17 from 7:45 - 8:30. Students who had all As and Bs during the 1st semester and who had no write ups have been invited to attend. Invitations will be coming home with students today. Take care.
2 months ago, Amy Fraker
Parents, save the date! Northwestern Junior/Senior High School Families: the first round of 2nd semester parent-teacher conferences will be on January 23rd, from 3-7pm. These will be held on a walk-in basis. Remember, you are also more than welcome to reach out to your child's teacher at any time through email, Rooms, and/or phone!
2 months ago, Rebecca Kleinhenz
Northwestern Junior and Senior High School parents and guardians, due to the two snow days and two-hour delay on Wednesday, quarter two and semester one grades are now posted in Progressbook. Physical grade cards will be sent home with your child on Monday, January 13th. If your child comes home with a letter and not a grade card, that is due to fact that there are outstanding fees on their account. If you need to pay school fees, you may do so by bringing cash or a check to the high school office or by credit card at www.payschoolscentral.com. Thank you very much and have a safe and wonderful weekend!
2 months ago, Rebecca Kleinhenz
Hello Parents of students in grades 6 - 11. The annual College Credit Plus meeting with be on Thursday, January 16 at the Kuss Auditorium. The meeting begins at 6:30. College Reps are available beginning at 5:30. Ms. Poynter and I will hold a CCP recap meeting on January 23 during parent teacher conferences at 6:00 in the cafe.
2 months ago, Amy Fraker
Hello Parents of 8th grade students. Please join us in the cafeteria during parent teacher conferences on Thursday, January 23 at 5 p.m. to learn about High School scheduling.
2 months ago, Amy Fraker
End of Semester Assessments are Wednesday, Dec. 18th-20th. Wednesday, December 18 is the Period 5 assessment (regular school day-no early release). Thursday, December 19 are Periods 1, 3, 7 assessments (Early Release). And Friday, December 20 are Periods 2, 4, 6 assessments (Early Release). Your student should have brought home an early release permission form. If you did not receive one, a link to the form is under our News section on the JH/HS website. Additionally, you may also email attendance@nwlschools.org with your permission. Please include your student's name and grade if you do email. Thank you so much!
3 months ago, Rebecca Kleinhenz
Hello Parents of students in grade 6 - 11! Please mark two important dates on your calendar. The annual Clark County College Credit Plus (CCP) meeting will be on January 16 at the Kuss Auditorium. College Reps are available at 5:30. The meeting starts at 6:30. The annual CCP re-cap meeting will be on January 23 in the Jr./Sr. High Cafe at 6 p.m. Detailed information was distributed to students last week. Happy Holidays!
3 months ago, Amy Fraker
Springfield-Clark CTC's Open House for 10th graders and their families is still happening tonight (Thursday, December 12) from 4 to 7 p.m. at CTC. For more information visit SCCTC.org/OpenHouse
3 months ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Wittenberg is hosting a FAFSA webinar tomorrow, December 10. Times and details were emailed to seniors.
3 months ago, Amy Fraker
3 months ago, Dawn Robinette