8th grade parents are reminded that the initial deposit for the Washington DC trip is due Tuesday, September 3rd. Please bring deposits to Mrs. Grieser.

2018-19 High School Yearbooks Have Arrived! Graduates can pick them up in the front office. All others will be delivered to students. Extra copies are still available for $70. Contact Mrs. Boggess for details (boggessl@nwlschools.org or 937-964-1324 ext. 2215)

Jr./Sr. High Student Fee Invoices are going home with your student Fri., Aug. 30. Fee waivers have not been processed and haven't been applied. Payments can be made through our website nwlschools.org (EZPAY) or in the Jr./Sr. High office (checks payable to Northwestern or cash).

Seniors: Miami University will be visiting on September 6th during pride. Sign up in the counseling office.

Nice catch Wade! Made the game 14-7

Northwestern Jr/Sr HS “PBIS Kick Off” pep rally where students learn the Warrior Way ....being respectful, responsible, and kind

Students enrolled in AP Bio and AP Chem do not need to arrive until 7:30AM (regular schedule) on Wed., Thurs. and Friday of the opening week of school.

Open House for Northwestern Jr./Sr. High School is Monday, August 19th from 5-7:00 PM. Please stop by to meet your child’s teachers.

Thanks to all of the families who attended 7th Grade Orientation last night at the Jr./Sr. High. Can't wait to start the school year!

Don't forget that 9th Grade Orientation is tonight at 6PM, in the Junior Senior High School Cafeteria.

For those of you that need Parking Passes, the form can be found inside the Student Resources link or here, https://5il.co/9eca

This morning we moved the Athletics web pages from the District Site to the JH/HS site. It made more sense to have them located there. Thank you for your patience while we build out the new sites

Welcome Back to School!

Congratulations Stephanie White- CBC Champion in Track, and Reilly Smith- Boys Tennis