Attention 7th and 8th grade parents: Permission slips and money for the field trip to Young's is due on Tuesday May 2nd by 3:00pm. There will be no extensions.

Good evening Warrior families. Tomorrow concludes our state testing experience with American History and Government. We will be operating on PLAN A, with ALL students not testing to plan their arrival by 9:15 am as class will begin promptly at 9:30. Thank you all SO MUCH for all your patience and understanding this testing season. Test takers, get some rest tonight and eat a good breakfast in the morning. Go Warriors!

Good evening, Warrior families. Tomorrow's state tests will be over grade 8 Science and Biology. We will be operating on Plan B which means classes will not start until 10:00 am. Any student driver not testing should not arrive to school before 9:45 am if possible. Students who are being dropped off by their parents/guardians may arrive earlier than that and report to the cafeteria. If we can start first period between 9:45 and 10:00 am, we will. Test takers, please get a good night's sleep tonight and eat a decent breakfast. Also, do not forget to charge your Chromebooks! Thanks again, and go Warriors!

All athletics events have been cancelled tonight due to inclement weather.

Hello Senior Parents. Mark your calendars for Monday, May 15 at 1 p.m. for the senior awards assembly. Please join us in celebrating our seniors' successes.

Good evening, Warrior families. Tomorrow students in grades 7, 8, and 10 will be taking the Math 7, 8 or Geometry State Tests. The test is two hours long; therefore, we will be operating on Plan B which means classes will not start until 10:00 am. Any student driver not testing should not arrive to school before 9:45 am if possible. Students who are being dropped off by their parents/guardians may arrive earlier than that and report to the cafeteria. If we can start first period between 9:45 and 10:00 am, we will. Test takers, please get a good night's sleep tonight and eat a decent breakfast. Also, do not forget to charge your Chromebooks! Thanks again, and go Warriors!

Good evening, Warrior families. Tomorrow, students in Math 7, Math 8, and Algebra I will be taking their state tests. Due to the length of the tests, we will be running our Plan C schedule. Any student WHO DRIVES and is not testing should not plan to arrive at school before 10:15 am if possible. Students who get dropped off by their parents/guardians may arrive prior to 10:15 and report to the cafeteria. Test takers, please get a good night's sleep tonight and eat a decent breakfast. Also, do not forget to charge your Chromebooks! Thanks again, and go Warriors!

Good evening, Warrior families. Tomorrow students in grades 7, 8, and 10 will be taking the ELA 2 test. The test is two hours long, therefore we will be operating on Plan B which means classes will not start until 10:00 am. Any student not testing should not arrive to school before 9:45 am if possible. Test takers, please get a good night's sleep tonight and eat a decent breakfast. Also, do not forget to charge your Chromebooks! Thanks again, and go Warriors!

This is a reminder to all students who are testing tomorrow, Wednesday, April 12th. Please make sure your Chromebooks are fully charged upon your arrival to school. Get a good night's sleep and eat breakfast in the morning! Good luck!

Spring testing at the Jr/Sr High begins tomorrow, April 12th! Please click the link to view the spring testing schedule for the Jr/Sr High School. https://5il.co/1ro92

All athletic events have been cancelled for Wednesday, April 5th.

Time is running out to purchase your Junior High Yearbooks! Order on the website below or pick up an order form the the office: https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/customer/2397843/Northwestern-Junior-High-School/

Click the link for the spring testing schedule at the Jr/Sr High. https://5il.co/1ro92

Evan Pollock and Lauren Macy won a plank contest put on by Sources of Strength to promote physical health.

Congratulations to our New Carlisle Rotary Students of the Month- Taylor Stull, Citizen of the Month and Tyler Pirk, Student of the Month!

On Thursday night from 3:00-6:45 the junior high/high school will have virtual parent/teacher conferences. Parents/guardians can contact their student's teacher to set up a conference. Teachers may also be reaching out to parents to set up a conference

The high school production of the musical Oklahoma! is set to open Thursday, March 16th in the Northwestern High School cafeteria. Show dates include March 16th, 17th, and 18th with all start times at 7:00 pm. Tickets are on sale through Hometown Ticketing or at the door the night of the performance. Prices are: $10 for priority seating, $8 for adults general admission, and $6 for student general admission. No cash will be taken at the door.
Our Northwestern students have worked incredibly hard and would love a packed house in the audience each evening!

Reminder to all Juniors: Tuesday, March 14th is the ACT.

Parents of HS/JH Athletes:
Please check your email for two important messages from the athletic department that were sent earlier in the week. We would like your input on the survey, and hope to see you at the athletic booster dinner auction.

The CTC recognized our students for their leadership in their programs: (left to right) CTC Rep. Jill Acuff, Eli Scott, Eli Barrett and Ty Lenover. Congratulations, guys!