Jr./Sr. High School Picture Day is September 14th. Students can pick-up an order form in the high school office or they can be ordered online at https://m-e.co/T4VDDDXRYWG
over 1 year ago, Dawn Robinette
Attention parents of graduating seniors: Graduation Order Week Sept. 11th-15th https://view.vidreach.io/viewer/reach/ea528bb5-6689-4dc2-8dd0-afcd43ca5f49/8721a1c2-b2f8-48de-bccd-824d179c7847/6e94e964-1082-425c-992b-385f4e6275f7?pk_campaign=8721a1c2-b2f8-48de-bccd-824d179c7847 4 Ways to Order 1. jostens.com 2. Mail in Order Form from Packet 3. Call in Order 937-280-4350 4. Drop off Order Form in main office at HS.
over 1 year ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Hello Warriors! Mark your calendars. The annual Clark County College Night will be Wednesday, October 25 from 6:30 - 8:00 at the Hollenbeck Bayley Creative Arts and Conference Center. The Hollenbeck is across the street from the Springfield Public Library and beside the Kuss Auditorium. We hope to see you there!
over 1 year ago, Amy Fraker
Attention NW Junior/Senior High School students and families: all afternoon events and activities, both athletic and non-athletic are canceled for this evening. Students will not be staying after school or coming back to the facilities for any event or activity this evening. Thank you so much for your understanding. We appreciate you.
over 1 year ago, Rebecca Kleinhenz
This is a reminder that Open House for students in grades 7-12 is tomorrow, Thursday, August 17th from 4:30-6:30. All junior high and high school students can also pick up their schedules at that time. Any student who is unable to attend and get their schedule at Open House may get theirs on Friday, August 18th and Monday, August 21st from 6 am-11am and noon-2:30 pm. Have a great evening, and we can't wait to see all our Warriors soon!
over 1 year ago, Rebecca Kleinhenz
Happy Monday, Northwestern Junior/Senior High School families. This is just a reminder that our 7th and 9th grade orientations are this evening in the cafeteria. The 7th grade orientation will begin at 5:30, and the 9th grade orientation will be at 7:00. We hope to see you here!
over 1 year ago, Rebecca Kleinhenz
Attention Students! Parking Passes go on sale this week. The schedule is as follows: 8/15 - Seniors (6-8 a.m.) 8/16 - Juniors (6-8 a.m.) 8/17 - Sophomores (6-8 a.m.) Each student must have a completed form with a parent signature. You can find the form on the website by searching parking permit.
over 1 year ago, Dawn Robinette
The first day of school is around the corner. We are excited to see your children on campus. Please follow the link to find the school supply list for grades 7 - 12. https://www.nwlschools.org/o/njshs/documents/school-supplies/65000
over 1 year ago, Amy Fraker
Hello Jr/Sr High families! Please follow the link for our welcome letter and important information. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1149/NJSHS/3340091/Welcome_Back_23-24.docx.pdf
over 1 year ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Hello Parents of students who have signed up for CCP classes at Northwestern. Please have your child check their email to see if they need to complete any steps to earn CCP credit. Only students who have not completed the process have been emailed. All applications and placement testing requirements must be done by the first day of school. Take care.
over 1 year ago, Amy Fraker
The class of 2023 graduates this evening! Doors open at 6:00 pm, with the ceremony beginning promptly at 7:00. Guests, please enter through the activities entrance doors.
almost 2 years ago, Rebecca Kleinhenz
Attention class of 2023: The senior breakfast will be at 9:00 am Thursday, May 25th, 2023 in the cafe. Graduation practice will immediately follow at 10:00 am. It is CRUCIAL that all seniors be ready to practice by 10:00 am.
almost 2 years ago, Rebecca Kleinhenz
Attention Jr/Sr High Parents: If your child has any type of medication in the clinic, it will need to be picked up no later than Friday, May 19th at 3pm. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Dawn Robinette
Menu changes for the Jr/Sr High for the week of 5/15-5/19 Monday 5/15 Hamburger French Fries Fruit Milk Tuesday 5/16 Chicken Sandwich Cheesy Potatoes Fruit Milk Weds 5/17 Rotini or Calzone Veggie Fruit Milk Thurs 5/18 Pizza Veggie Fruit Milk
almost 2 years ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Here is the link for our Senior Edition of WNBC. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/J65Yyw9qjwM
almost 2 years ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Due to the weather forecast for Friday, May 11th, of 88% chance of rain/thunderstorms, the HIGH SCHOOL PBIS rewards day will be TOMORROW, Thursday, May 11th. The junior high trip to Youngs Dairy is still on for Friday as scheduled.
almost 2 years ago, Rebecca Kleinhenz
Powderpuff Football May 17th!
almost 2 years ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Attention Parents: Can you believe there is less than 3 weeks of school left? If you have outstanding school or lunch fees, please pay them as soon as possible. You can pay online at payschoolscentral.com or pay at the high school. Have a great evening!
almost 2 years ago, Dawn Robinette
Say “hello” to two-way messaging in the Northwestern app! The same district app now offers class streams, class announcements, and parent-teacher chat. Look for your personalized invitation to begin using this feature in our app after May 2nd. Download for Android http://bit.ly/2OPGLvY Download for iPhone https://apple.co/2OCNFnT
almost 2 years ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Attention 7th and 8th grade parents: Permission slips and money for the field trip to Young's is due on Tuesday May 2nd by 3:00pm. There will be no extensions.
almost 2 years ago, Dawn Robinette