Winter Choir Concert in full swing. Great performance by our students and Director Mrs. Perks.
about 5 years ago, Brad Beals
Winter Choir Concert
All juniors were just emailed information about a Democracy Camp at OSU this summer.
about 5 years ago, Amy Fraker
If you missed the Winter Band Concert, here is a little of the symphonic band’s performance.
about 5 years ago, Lori Swafford
Symphonic Band
Mr. Mitchell and the symphonic band
Juniors and Seniors were just now sent information about WPAFB job shadowing experiences. Spots close quickly, so act now if you are interested!
about 5 years ago, Amy Fraker
JoAnn Sowders and Ms. Swafford making purple sparkling slime together.
about 5 years ago, Lori Swafford
JoAnn Sowders and Ms. Swafford making slime.
JoAnn Sowders’ purple and glitter slime.
A good win on senior night
about 5 years ago, Brad Beals
Senior Night
Congratulations to our Competition Cheer squad for making it to Nationals!
about 5 years ago, Lori Swafford
 National Competition at Disney
Competition Cheer Squad
Please email Mrs. Fraker ASAP if you have been accepted and have committed to The Ohio State University Main Campus or any OSU Regional Campus. The OSU Parents' Association of Clark County is offering $1000 scholarships. You do not have to write an essay for this one! 
about 5 years ago, Amy Fraker
Warriors showing their kindness. Packing meals to send to the children of Africa
about 5 years ago, Brad Beals
North Hampton Lions Club scholarship was just emailed to seniors. It is also posted on my website.
about 5 years ago, Amy Fraker
BGSU pre-College Summer Camp link was posted to the Guidance department website under the opportunities tab.
about 5 years ago, Amy Fraker
Parent Teacher Conferences for the Jr/Sr High on Thursday from 4-8.
about 5 years ago, Amy Fraker
Annual CCP meeting on Thursday January 30 at 6:30.
about 5 years ago, Amy Fraker
Scheduling meeting for 8th grade parents on Thursday January 30 at 5:30.
about 5 years ago, Amy Fraker
Two new scholarships have been posted on the counseling website. PDFs will be emailed to seniors.
about 5 years ago, Amy Fraker
Juniors: Check out the Buckeye Student Leadership Academy at This is free for students who qualify.
about 5 years ago, Amy Fraker
Scheduling for the 2020-2021 school year has begun.
about 5 years ago, Lori Swafford
Scheduling Bulletin board
Thank you Deputy Grogg for your support of Northwestern students and staff! We are so lucky to have you!!
about 5 years ago, Lori Swafford
Deputy Grogg starting her day off in her office.
The Power of the Pen district tournament was Feb. 11 at GISA. Northwestern had two 7th grade participants (Adelyn Mullins and Dominique Rogers) and three 8th grade participants (Tabitha Fields, Haley Renegar and Gabby Sebring). Gabby Sebring placed 1st for 8th grade in the tournament! Students selected to participate in the regional tournament in March will be announced in two weeks.
about 5 years ago, Lori Swafford
Gabby Sebring wins 1st place for 8th grade in the tournament
NW Power of the Pen team at district tournament
We received our official certificate today from The State Of Ohio. 4 years in a row!
about 5 years ago, Brad Beals
Momentum Award