Jr/Sr High School schedules can picked up from 11-2 on Monday or any day before school starts from 7am to 3:30 pm
over 4 years ago, Amy Fraker
Hole in 1 for Bishop! The Northwestern Middle School Golf Team started their inaugural season last night against the Bellbrook Eagles. The Warriors came up short in the match, but there were many firsts of the night! Brock Bishop set up his shot on the Par 3 #7, at WGC (Xenia, OH), and landed the ball about 10 feet in front of the cup. The ball then rolled right into the hole for a HOLE IN ONE! Congratulations Brock! The Warriors were led by medalist Cooper Brackney who shot a 40, and Brock Bishop who shot a 45. The Warriors rounded out their scoring with Nolan Hockett (49), Issac Gundolf (50), Carter Adkins(56) and Grey Keener (61).
over 4 years ago, Andrea Cox
New procedures for after school student pick-up: Students who do not ride the school bus home from school can be picked-up at the end of the school day. Student pick-up is from 2:32-3:00 PM. All students need to be picked up by 3:00 PM.
over 4 years ago, Lori Swafford
New procedures at the Jr./Sr. High. Students who will be dropped off in the morning instead of riding the school bus can be dropped off beginning at 7:10 AM. Student drop off is in the front of the building. A reminder that school starts at 7:30 AM.
over 4 years ago, Lori Swafford
Schedule pick up for grades 7-12 will be on Monday August 24 and Tuesday August 25 from 11-2 by the front office.
over 4 years ago, Amy Fraker
CCP textbooks for students who take classes at the college will be ready for pick up on Monday, August 24. Email Mrs. Elfers with questions. Elfersm@nwlschools.org
over 4 years ago, Amy Fraker
Hello Students and Families. 9th grade orientation has been cancelled. We are looking forward to working with your children during the 2020-2021 school year. Schedule pick up information will be coming soon.
over 4 years ago, Amy Fraker
Supply lists have been updated. Go to the district website. Under SITES choose Jr./Sr High School. Click on MENU and choose SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Parents are asked to add face masks, a water bottle, and lip balm for each student. In addition, please check to be sure your family has a thermometer. Thank you!!
over 4 years ago, Lori Swafford
The Jr./Sr. High School Open House has been cancelled.
over 4 years ago, Lori Swafford
9th grade orientation has been cancelled.
over 4 years ago, Lori Swafford
Students are encouraged to check their school email everyday. Scheduling information is being shared through email and phone calls.
over 4 years ago, Lori Swafford
Junior high football practice is canceled for tonight. Thank you!!
over 4 years ago, Andrea Cox
Northwestern High School Student Parking Permits will be going on sale for $10.00 -- Seniors on August 13th from 6-8AM. Juniors on August 14th from 6-8AM. Sophomores on August 17th from 6-8AM. Students must have a signed and completed form in order to purchase a parking permit. Forms are available on the Jr./Sr. High School website under the "Student Resource" tab.
over 4 years ago, Brad Beals
Band students please check your email. Mr. Mitchell is sending an email to survey students would are talking classes virtually. Please respond ASAP. Thank you!!
over 4 years ago, Lori Swafford
Junior High Football camp is tonight 6:30-8:30pm. If you do not have your helmet please show up to the Athletic Complex at 6pm to get your helmet.
over 4 years ago, Andrea Cox
Congratulations to Jenna Cleland for accepting a scholarship from the PEO AZ chapter in Springfield!
over 4 years ago, Andrea Cox
Jenna 1
Jenna 2
Junior High football is off next week and will continue Monday, July 6th from 5-6:30pm at the Athletic Complex.
over 4 years ago, Andrea Cox
Cheerleading tryouts! Students currently going into 7-12 grade interested in trying out for Northwestern cheer for the 2020-2021 school year will need to email Dina Hosier by June 9th at dinahosier3@gmail.com with your name and grade. You will receive a packet via email back with a link to learn a cheer, a chant, a dance and jumps to be submitted back via video. The link will be available starting June 10-12 and the final tryout video will need to be emailed to Dina by midnight on June  13th. Thanks!
almost 5 years ago, Brad Beals
If you did not return your school issued chromebook, someone from school will pick it up tomorrow morning. Please have it ready. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Brad Beals
Reminder to Jr/Sr HS students and parents to please return computers, books and any other school owned materials tomorrow between 9AM and 7PM. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Brad Beals