Congratulations to our 2024 Prom King and Queen, Antonio Fletcher and Olivia Aills, and Prince and Princess, Eli Keplinger and Taylor Scot!

STEM Summer Camp opportunities with Air Force Research Laboratory - AFRL. Applications accepted through June 1!

Congratulations to our 2024 Prom Court!
Top Row Left to Right:
Seniors- Antonio Fletcher, Nathan Hackett, Matthew Smith, Jaden Robinette, Jacob Shaffer
Juniors- Andrew Taylor, Aiden Yeager, Carter Baugh, Eli Keplinger, Brock Bishop
Bottom Row Left to Right:
Seniors-Chloe Riley, Madison DeRamus, Bri Wildman, Maycie Estep, Olivia Aills
Juniors- Taylor Scott, Kaitlyn O'Callaghan, Azzy Hammer, Mailee Cornette, Alaina Freeze

The junior high dance is Friday, May 3rd from 6-8 pm. Purchase your tickets online! https://www.northwestern.k12.oh.us/page/event-box-office-tickets

Would you like to spotlight your senior to celebrate their next 'E'ra?! Please complete the Google form! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeGH_NtOXaxUf2nF3BNAiqH9CNjU6mYkRH2CmkdyFfEkrGgpw/viewform

Donate blood May 2nd!

Dear Northwestern community,
On behalf of the Elementary’s Social Committee, we are planning the retirement party for Pam Myers, Shari Powell, Sonya Taylor, and In Memoriam Diana Buffenbarger. The committee is asking our community to submit cards or letters from those impacted by these special individuals, whether as a parent or as a former student. We would love to collect cards/letters for their retirement basket by Friday, May 10, 2024. If interested, please address the cards/letters to:
Northwestern Elementary School
Attn: Vickey Spencer
5610 Troy Rd.
Springfield, OH 45502
Elementary Social Committee

The agenda for April's Board Meeting has been posted online. The meeting will take place on Thursday, April 18th at 6:30 pm in the Athletic Complex. https://www.northwestern.k12.oh.us/page/the-board-of-education

Would you like to spotlight your senior to celebrate their next 'E'ra?! Please complete the Google form! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeGH_NtOXaxUf2nF3BNAiqH9CNjU6mYkRH2CmkdyFfEkrGgpw/viewform

Support the Track and Field fundraiser on Tuesday (4/16) night by dining at Chipotle from 4-8pm!

Good afternoon! Please follow the link to see a letter from our Food Service Department. Thank you!

Tomorrow, we will begin sharing our Senior Spotlights- WHAT'S YOUR NEXT 'E'RA?! Enrolled, enlisted or employed- we want to share our excitement for the Class of 2024! Each day, a handful of seniors will be shared on our Facebook page. Can you spot your senior?!

Congratulations to our New Carlisle Rotary Students of the Month for April- Samantha Foster, Citizen of the Month and Allison Warren, Student of the Month!

Use the following link to sign up for the golf scramble on May 4th: https://manager.gallusgolf.com/Register/53510/northwestern-soccer
Take advantage of the Early Bird pricing at $55 per person if you register by 4/10. Any registrations after 4/10 will be $75 per person. Price includes golf, dinner, and many door prizes!

Reminder: Open Enrollment forms are due for the 2024-2025 school year ASAP. Please submit those forms to the Board of Education Office. Thank you!

Warriors, grab your glasses to witness the solar eclipse!!

✨Friday, fifth grade students enjoyed a change in their normal schedule. The teachers hosted a scatter day that allowed each homeroom to visit all 6 of the fifth grade teachers for an exciting lesson about the upcoming eclipse!
✨Students watched scientific videos, plotted the path of totality while reviewing their states and capitals, solved logic puzzles about umpraphiles (an umbraphile is a shadow chaser), created eclipse arts and crafts, discussed scale models, safety, and what to expect during the Total Eclipse on Monday, April 8th. Students also received their solar eclipse viewing glasses during one of these fun and exciting learning stations.

REMINDER: The campus will be CLOSED, Monday, April 8th, due to the solar eclipse.

Get your tickets for the Athletic Boosters Annual Dinner Auction! Come out this Saturday, April 6th, at 5:00pm to support all of our Warrior athletes. Click the link below to purchase your tickets to secure your dinner!https://nwlschools.hometownticketing.com/embed/event/405?app=1&app_platform=ios&entry=1&instance_id=nwlschools&app_version=v3.1.0b181&__clerk_ticket=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlaXMiOjMwLCJleHAiOjE3MTIwOTA1NzQsImlpZCI6Imluc18yWlNYN0NHcnFlaTU0WWs2OTd4OHlhYlpXZm8iLCJzaWQiOiJzaXRfMmVZbm5Ja1VMTEFQZWNpaWFkNWNIZm1YcHhnIiwic3QiOiJzaWduX2luX3Rva2VuIn0.OLiOSwshJdwBKQvtNFiHcQJris6tQJ-1R4-IpAne7lWJnbeP8X2Z7VeDbzuNSCud-kUw18BTGL725uTaXg7elz5q6zlXQ2QzUiKOAE1lHUjRD4tnhH_lkV4anaOGclw7S-ahAk7VJtVj0LU2Z0ftk7wwfTll3_G5Vn2YNbGSvb8YXPaN_PPk4D-L-F3ZA3x_9MO9uANk67_F4m5SNTavEwtYjpYbYcSoAJj2bsCjmOthq2-hfuBPT27Lp5zfZbI_ti4lyxZ5g6ltNn4Nra1hRT3WGJ4Ga-zn3Vz3XtceAZoAfdikVTPnAkNheXNC2zTkSL_mceHW8vezFPFjW4xyqg&fbclid=IwAR1cPrd1Ka2ymlJ6VCcsV9sgUkAgn21rci6u69lfKz7yxxQ9aOMZRMKdO0Q

Correction - The date in the last message should have read April 4 rather than March 4.
Good morning, Northwestern Elementary Parents and Guardians,
Diana Buffenbarger, a dedicated staff member, passed away late last week. In order for her Warrior family to attend her services and pay respect to her family, Northwestern Elementary will not be in session on Thursday, April 4, 2024.
The Junior/Senior High School will remain open as usual.
Thank you, and please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers.