Good morning, Northwestern Elementary Parents and Guardians, Diana Buffenbarger, a dedicated staff member, passed away late last week. In order for her Warrior family to attend her services and pay respect to her family, Northwestern Elementary will not be in session on Thursday, March 4, 2024. The Junior/Senior High School will remain open as usual. Thank you, and please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers.
11 months ago, Luke Everhart
There will be a Special Board Meeting on Wednesday, April 3rd at 5:30pm in the Board of Education Office. The purpose is to consider the employment of a public employee or official: Superintendent candidate interviews. The agenda can be found on our website:
11 months ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Dear Northwestern community, The weather forecast continues to predict strong storms arriving around dismissal time today. Airing on the side of caution and to ensure our buses are able to return safely, we are going to have an early release today. Schedule changes for the High School: Pick up and bus dismissal - 12:25-12:30 All athletics and evening activities are cancelled. Schedule changes for the Elementary: Pick up and bus dismissal- 1:40 (AM Preschool will dismiss at normal time) Afternoon preschool and latchkey are cancelled. Please stay safe this evening. Thank you!
11 months ago, Northwestern Local Schools
There will be a Special Board Meeting on Monday, April 1st at 5:00pm in the Board of Education Office. The purpose is to consider the employment of a public employee or official: Superintendent candidate interviews. The agenda can be found on our website:
12 months ago, Northwestern Local Schools
It was "Signing Day" for our 2024-2025 Kindergarten class! Look out for the Class of 2037!
12 months ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Reminder to ALL CTC and GISA parents regarding morning transportation plans for Monday, April 1st, 2024: Due to NWLS being closed, you will be responsible for providing transportation for your student to the Jr/ Sr High building between 7:00 a.m. and 7:10 a.m. The shuttle will depart promptly at 7:15 a.m. The afternoon shuttle route plans remain the same. Please do not hesitate to contact the Transportation Department at either (937) 964-1672 or if you have any questions or need further clarification. Thank you!
12 months ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Approximately 60+ Northwestern students in grades 7-12 have been wellness leaders, alongside staff and the district's partners in prevention, to bring positivity and well-being to their peers throughout the school year. Sources of Strength is a program to prevent adverse outcomes by increasing wellbeing, help-seeking, resiliency, healthy coping, good physical health, and belonging. As a requirement of House Bill 123, the Safety and Violence Education Students Act, better known as the SAVE Students Act, schools are required to implement an evidence-based suicide prevention program. Nationally recognized, the Sources of Strength wellness program improves student emotional well-being and works to prevent suicide, substance misuse, bullying, and violence.The Sources of Strength team received expert training and they meet regularly during Pride to promote 'sources' of having 'strength' in difficult situations. To learn more about Sources of Strength in Ohio, visit
12 months ago, Northwestern Local Schools
The track and field team is hosting a fundraiser through Panda Express TODAY, March 21st, from 10:00AM to 9:30 PM. Make sure to show the flyer in-person or enter the code on the flyer if you order online! Our student athletes appreciate your continued support!
12 months ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Our Adulting 101 and English 11 classes took a field trip to Clark State last week. They did a campus tour and learned about the Criminal Justice, Medical Laboratory, and Manufacturing/Engineering Programs.
12 months ago, Northwestern Local Schools
The agenda for March's Board Meeting has been posted online. The meeting will take place on Thursday, March 21st at 6:30 pm in the Athletic Complex.
12 months ago, Northwestern Local Schools
This is your friendly reminder that Spring Break is next week, March 25th- April 1st!
12 months ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Our third graders recently finished their unit of study on sound and light. To celebrate, they threw a Light and Sound Party!
12 months ago, Northwestern Local Schools
The track and field team will be hosting a fundraiser through Panda Express on Thursday, March 21st from 10:00AM to 9:30 PM. Make sure to show the flyer in-person or enter the code if you order online!
12 months ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Northwestern Jr/Sr High School presents CINDERELLA! Tickets are live on our website. The show times are Friday, March 15th @ 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, March 16th @ 2:00 & 7:00 p.m. The showbill has been linked:
12 months ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Students in Ms. Walsh's class celebrated Pi Day yesterday!
12 months ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Good morning NWES Parents and Guardians! Due to transportation staff shortages this morning, Friday, 03/15/24, we have had to make the following transportation changes. For only those elementary students assigned to BUS 2 in Chateau Estates MHP, please be ready and awaiting BUS 12's arrival by 8:10 a.m. For only those elementary students assigned to BUS 2 in Honey Creek MHP, please be ready and awaiting BUS 23's arrival by 8:15 a.m. Our sincerest apologies ahead of time for any inconvenience caused. We greatly appreciate your continued patience and understanding. GO WARRIORS!!
12 months ago, Luke Everhart
Congratulations to our New Carlisle Rotary Students of the Month for April- Destiny Loza, Citizen of the Month and Madison DeRamus, Student of the Month!
12 months ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Northwestern Jr/Sr High School presents CINDERELLA! Tickets are now live on our website. The show times are Friday, March 15th @ 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, March 16th @ 2:00 & 7:00 p.m. The showbill has been linked:
12 months ago, Northwestern Local Schools
The Ladies Soccer Team and the NW Athletic Boosters are hosting their 4th annual golf scramble! Use the following link to sign up at Locust Hills on Saturday, May 4th at 2pm.
about 1 year ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Students in Mrs. Barrett's first grade class are working in Number Corner on a number path exercise and challenging themselves to solve different ways to get to the number 121 using both adding and subtracting. Number Corner is a skill-building program revolving around the classroom calendar and features short daily workouts that introduce, reinforce, and extend skills and concepts related to the critical areas of study at each grade level. New pieces are added to the display each day, providing starting points for discussions, problem solving, and short written exercises. Some of the elements in Number Corner include: calendar grid, calendar collector, computational fluency, number line, number path, days in schools, daily rectangle, problem stings and solving problems. Number Corner is one element of our K-5 Bridges Math Curriculum.
about 1 year ago, Northwestern Local Schools