Students in Mr. Fraker's Pre-calculus course have been applying the strategies from Peter Liljedhal's latest book, Building Thinking Classrooms. Several teachers in the district are participating in a book study to learn and discuss the 14 practices outlined through the author's research.
Pictured, students are working on thinking tasks (practice 1) using vertical non-permanent surfaces stationed around the room (practice 3) and Mr. Fraker is using the strategy of answering only keep thinking questions (practice 5). Students were first introduced to this style of collaborative learning and problem solving while preparing for the upcoming ACT. Now, these students are applying the strategies to work on difficult problems that can have more than one correct way to find a solution.
For more information on Building Thinking Classrooms or the 14 practices, click here: https://buildingthinkingclassrooms.com/14-practices/

Students in fifth grade are working with Deputy Elliott to make good decisions as modeled through the D.A.R.E. program. D.A.R.E. is an acronym for Drug Abuse Resistance Education which began in Los Angeles, California.
Students in Clark County have been engaged with the DARE program since 1988. The program has expanded to not only teach students about drug abuse resistance education, but also good decision making skills that include how to define, assess, respond and evaluate a variety of difficult situations.
In this lesson, students were learning three ways to communicate and the best being confident communication. The student pictured was playing the role of a newly licensed driver who was not driving safely in a crosswalk area and was being pulled over.
Thank you Clark County Sheriff's Office and Deputy Elliott for providing this essential information to our students.

Congratulations to our very own, Mrs. Melissa Elfers, high school librarian, for receiving the New Carlisle Rotary Support Staff Employee of the Year!

Hello NWES Parents and Guardians. On Tuesday, 2.27.24, and Wednesday, 2.28.24, students who ride Bus 2 and reside at Chateau Estates and Honey Creek Mobile Home Park will have a delayed pickup time. If you live at Chateau Estates, we ask that your students be ready for pickup at 8:15 a.m. If you live at Honey Creek, we ask that your students be ready for pickup at 8:20 a.m. This change will impact the a.m. route for Bus 2 riders only. The p.m. route for Bus 2 will run as usual. Thank you, and Go Warriors!!!!

Criminology students hosted a special guest, Mr. Andy Wilson, Ohio’s Director of the Department of Public Safety and former Clark County Prosecutor.
Mr. Wilson was able to share his experiences working on high profile criminal cases and talk students through the perspective of both the prosecution and the defense.
Thank you, Mr. Wilson, for sharing your expertise with our students!

Northwestern Junior/Senior Prom will be on Saturday, April 27th from 8pm-11pm at the Springfield Country Club. Tickets are on sale now on Hometown Ticketing! If a Junior or Senior is bringing a date who is not a current NW student, they must pick up a Date Form in the Main Office and return it completed and signed by Thursday, April 25th.

Hello NWES Parents and Guardians. On Friday, 2.23.24, students who ride Bus 2 and reside at Chateau Estates and Honey Creek Mobile Home Park will have a delayed pickup time. We ask that you have your students ready for pickup at 8:15 a.m. This change will impact the a.m. route for Bus 2 riders only. The p.m. route for Bus 2 will run as usual. Thank you, and Go Warriors!!!!

The team store for the Track and Field program is up and running. Items get sent to the school to be distributed. Use the website below to purchase items!
- Shop Now: https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/oYQoXb8Ynp
- Store Open From: February 6 - February 22, 2024
Thank you for your continued support of our program!
Brian Badenhop
Science Teacher
Head Track and Throws Coach

Our staff has been working to best serve our students with improved literacy skills and the ReadOhio initiative. Instructional coaches, Trish Schultz and Beth Hupman, are both certified LETRS trainers and have been meeting with our staff to learn more about the Science of Reading and best instructional practices to target word recognition and language comprehension. (pictured)
All teachers K-12 in the State of Ohio are required to have an understanding and professional learning related to the Science of Reading through the ReadOhio initiative. Our district has stayed ahead of these initiatives and is blessed to have such talented staff to grow our collective understanding of literacy. Over the last two years, 79 staff (teachers, administrators and support personnel) have been fully trained in LETRS 1-8. This year a new cohort of 22 have been working on units 1-4 led by our instructional coaches.
For more about the ReadOhio initiative, please visit https://governor.ohio.gov/media/news-and-media/governor-dewine-launches-readohio-initiative.

It is National FFA Week! Celebrate with Northwestern FFA! FFA and agricultural education provide a strong foundation for the youth of America and the future of food, fiber, and natural resources systems. FFA promotes premier leadership, personal growth and career success among its members. Agricultural education and FFA ensure a steady supply of young professionals to meet the growing needs in the science, business, and technology of agriculture. The FFA motto — “Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve” — gives direction and purpose to these students who take an active role in succeeding in agricultural education. FFA promotes citizenship, volunteerism, patriotism and cooperation. Thank you for your continued support of Northwestern FFA!

Reminder- There is NO SCHOOL on Monday, Feb. 19th for Presidents' Day.

The boys basketball game tonight vs. Ben Logan has been postponed for tomorrow night, 2/17 at 6:00pm (home). Thank you!

Congratulations to our New Carlisle Rotary Students of the Month for February- Faith Limes, Citizen of the Month and Kim Benner, Student of the Month!

Hello, Northwestern Elementary Parents and Guardians. Due to the forecasted snowfall this evening, the PTO Father-Daughter Dance has been rescheduled for Friday, February 23, 2024, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Thank you, and GO WARRIORS!!!!

LOVE Physical Education Activity
First and third grade classes used teamwork, problem solving, and cooperation to work together to spell the word LOVE in P.E. class for Valentine’s Day!

The agenda for February's Board Meeting has been posted online. The meeting will take place on Thursday, February 15th at 6:30 p.m. in the Athletic Complex. https://www.northwestern.k12.oh.us/page/the-board-of-education

Northwestern Elementary students were visited by Jim 'Basketball' Jones who shared a powerful Growth Mindset message. His passion for this message stems from his own personal journey through Special Education to graduation at the top of his class in college.
In this school assembly, Jim shared the importance of giving effort and failing forward instead of falling apart. Mistakes, he shared, are a sign of effort and not a sign of failure.
Jim and his wife, Brenda, wrote a children’s picture book about Growth Mindset and The Power of Yet called Bouncy and The Power of Yet.
Students got to meet one of the main characters from the book, Yeti. Yeti is the master of the Power of Yet and a symbol to remind students to keep trying: “You just don’t know it YET!”
For more information, check out his website: https://www.jimbasketballjones.com/

Student's in Ms. Ferralli and Ms. Brennan's kindergarten class are working hard to recognize and manipulate individual phonemes in spoken words, also known as phonemic awareness. Phoneme awareness is crucial to reading, and the other skills of phonological awareness. The foundation for phonemic awareness can be developed through rhyme, words, syllables, and alliteration and initial sound work. Pictured are students engaged in a Heggerty lesson. Heggerty is a systematic program of daily lesson plans that provide a high level of explicit modelling and student engagement. Each level of the Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Curriculum focuses on six to eight phonemic awareness skills, along with additional activities to develop letter and sound recognition, introduce the phoneme-grapheme connection and extended language awareness.

Northwestern Elementary will hold registration and screenings for students entering Kindergarten in the 2024-2025 school year on March 20th & 21st. Please be reminded Kindergarten students must be 5 years of age on or before August 1st. State law requires that all students must attend Kindergarten before entering first grade.
Call and schedule your child’s appointment today by contacting Tiana Smith at the Elementary School at 937-964-3240 ext. 1137!

The students in Ms. Brittain's kindergarten class are celebrating being 100 days smarter on the 100th day of school! The day included presentations of unique projects displaying 100 items, a story titled Miss Bendergarten Celebrates the 100th Day of Kindergarten, and even some students chose to dress as if they were 100 years old!