Any junior or senior who wants to participate in Friday's open lunch for PBIS rewards must turn in their form by WEDNESDAY, Sept. 7th. Forms will not be accepted after Wednesday. This is so the cafeteria can be notified and lunches planned accordingly.
over 2 years ago, Rebecca Kleinhenz
Immunizations Reminder All 7th and 12th graders need to turn in updated immunization records to the nurse ASAP. 7th graders need Tdap & and their first dose of MCV4/meningococcal 12th graders need their second dose of MCV4/meningococcal If immunization documentation is not received by Wednesday, September 7th, 2022, your child will not be permitted to attend school beginning Thursday, September 8th, 2022. An exemption form is available under clinic forms on our school website if your child is unable to receive the vaccine. This form needs to be completed and signed by a parent or legal guardian.
over 2 years ago, Rebecca Kleinhenz
We have a new opponent for JV Women’s Soccer tomorrow. We will be hosting Shawnee tomorrow at Home at 5:30pm. This change was precipitated by low numbers within Jonathan Alder’s team. Hope to see you at Taylor Field. Go Warriors!
over 2 years ago, Brad Beals
The Girls Soccer game that was cancelled last night vs. BLHS due to inclement weather has been rescheduled for this Thursday evening at 6pm at NW.
over 2 years ago, Brad Beals
All 7th and 12th graders need to turn in updated immunization records to the nurse. 7th graders need Tdap & and their first dose of MCV4/meningococcal 12th graders need their second dose of MCV4/meningococcal If immunization documentation is not received by Wednesday, September 7th, 2022, your child will not be permitted to attend school beginning Thursday, September 8th, 2022. An exemption form is available under clinic forms on our school website if your child is unable to receive the vaccine. This form needs to be completed and signed by a parent or legal guardian.
over 2 years ago, Rebecca Kleinhenz
This is a reminder to all 8th grade families whose students are going to Washington D.C. this November: Payment for the deposit is due by September 1. Letter with final amount will be sent out next week. It can be paid with cash or check at school or through hometown ticketing on the schools website.
over 2 years ago, Rebecca Kleinhenz
This is a reminder to all 8th grade families whose students are going to Washington D.C. this November: Payment for the deposit is due by September 1. Letter with final amount will be sent out next week. It can be paid with cash or check at school or through hometown ticketing on the schools website.
over 2 years ago, Rebecca Kleinhenz
TICKETS for tomorrow nights football game at Greenon are below. Ticket Spiket: OR Exact Cash ($7.00) at the gate. NO CHANGE.
over 2 years ago, Brad Beals
Northwestern Jr./Sr. High School will be starting athletic competition this weekend in the sports of Volleyball, Soccer, and Football. Tickets/passes can be purchased through HomeTown Ticketing or debit/credit card sales at the gate. Cash sales will not be available at the gate. Thank you and hope to see you at a game this weekend.
over 2 years ago, Brad Beals
Happy Wednesday, freshmen parents/guardians! This is a friendly reminder of this evening's ninth grade orientation beginning at 6:00 pm in the high school cafeteria. Mr. Bushey and I look forward to meeting you and your child!
over 2 years ago, Rebecca Kleinhenz
NWHS volleyball is holding an alumni scrimmage on Saturday, August 6, from 1-4:00 in the HS gym. Players can arrive as early as noon to start warming up. Players are needed! Please email Coach Macy at if you can play.
over 2 years ago, Andrea Cox
This week is the last big push for parents & athletes to get all forms in to be able to start August 1st. Register on Finalforms to complete forms and pay participation fee. Please get this done! Physicals will be offered on Saturday at 9AM at the athletic complex for $25.00. The mandatory parent-player meeting will be held on August 1st at 7PM in the HS gymnasium.
over 2 years ago, Brad Beals
Volleyball Tryouts! High school tryouts are 8/1 and 8/2 from 9:00 am-12:00 pm in the high school. Junior high athletes have a "tune-up practice" from 4:30-6:30 on 8/1. Junior high tryouts are 8/2 and 8/3 from 4:30-6:30 in the junior high gym. All players must be registered on Final Forms. Any questions or concerns can be emailed to Coach Macy at
over 2 years ago, Brad Beals
Friendly reminder that fall sport athletes must complete registration information on FinalForms and have a current physical on file with our athletic trainers before the first day of practice (Aug. 1st).
over 2 years ago, Brad Beals
Class of 2022 graduation practice. Great job Seniors!!
almost 3 years ago, Lori Swafford
Class of 2022 graduation practice!! Great job Seniors!!
Mrs. Wildman spoke to the Anatomy & Physiology class about her former career as an X-ray technician. She even brought skeleton brownies!
almost 3 years ago, Andrea Cox
Our 8th graders enjoyed the Clark County's Career Fair!
almost 3 years ago, Andrea Cox
At the FFA State Convention this weekend, the following students received their State FFA Degree (left to right): Brooke Comer, Abby Berner, Emma Hillard, and Madison Boles. Congratulations!!
almost 3 years ago, Andrea Cox
Our students had fun participating in the CBC Cup today! Thank you to all who volunteered!
almost 3 years ago, Andrea Cox
In honor of Staff Appreciation Week, the Jr/Sr High students are selecting teachers in their building to recognize for their hard work and dedication. This week’s teachers are Mrs. Thomas and Mr. Fraker. Congratulations!!
almost 3 years ago, Andrea Cox