Springfield-Clark CTC's Open House for 10th graders and their families is still happening tonight (Thursday, December 12) from 4 to 7 p.m. at CTC. For more information visit SCCTC.org/OpenHouse

Northwestern Local Schools is now closed for Thursday, December 12th. Thank you!

Northwestern Local Schools will be on a two hour delay for Thursday, December 12th. Thank you!

Students in Mrs. Johnson's class are working on their fine motor and life skills in preparation for Christmas! Students had the opportunity to decorate different kinds of cookies using daily kitchen tools and utensils. Students were also able to use their baking skills to make homemade ornaments!

Northwestern Local Schools will be on a two hour delay for Thursday, December 5th. Thank you!

Join Girls on the Run!

Our 8th grade students are enjoying their time in Washington DC! Four of our students, Carson Adams, Adi Balzer, Mason Kluczynski and Carly McCarty had the honor of participating in the Arlington Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

Good morning! Northwestern Local Schools is on a two hour delay for Wednesday, November 20th.

Our Elementary Student Council created posters that will be on display throughout their building this week. Students and staff will have the opportunity to write what they are thankful for during this season to practice gratitude! 🧡🦃🤎

Notice of menu change for both Elementary and Jr/Sr High:
Thursday, Nov 21st:
Chicken Drumstick w/ Roll
Cheesy Potatoes
Diced Cinnamon Apples
Thank you,
Food Service Dept.

House Bill 123, also known as the Safety and Violence Education (SAVE) Students Act, is a law in Ohio that addresses school security and youth suicide awareness and training. Our Clark County ESC mental health team wrote a grant for Northwestern Local Schools so we could utilize a program titled Sources of Strength. About five to seven students from each grade meet twice a month to work on campaigns to get the word out about our Sources of Strength (mental health, family support, physical health, positive friends, spirituality, generosity, healthy activities and mentors). This month our students used their artistic skills to make a “Thankfulness Tree”. Their colorful leaves list the things they are thankful for!

Mrs. Group's 10th grade English class took a trip last Friday to Turner Studio Theater in Springfield to see a live showing of Shakespeare's Macbeth. The play was a collaboration between Clark State and the Springfield Arts Council and a part of the BrightLight Series. This was a wonderful opportunity for students to see a full, live adaptation of Macbeth which they are currently reading in their English class.

Congratulations to our New Carlisle Rotary Students of the Month- Nalani Thomas, Citizen of the Month, and Carter Baugh, Student of the Month!

This past Friday we had Dr. Florkey and her team from Greene County Eye Care on site to provide comprehensive eye exams and eyeglasses at no charge to qualified students. These services were provided through a partnership with the Ohio Optometric Foundation and its iSee program.
The Ohio Department of Health reports that over 70% of students referred to an eye doctor from school vision screenings do not receive necessary follow-up care. The iSee program seeks to bridge that gap by bringing comprehensive eye examinations and eyewear directly to students.

Season 1️⃣: Episode 1️⃣ has come to an end for E-Sports Club.
🕹️ Played against 2️⃣4️⃣ other schools
🖥️ Games played included Fortnite, Rocket League, Valorant, and Overwatch
👾 One Fortnite event was played against 3️⃣3️⃣ schools!
❤️💙Thank you to our coaches Magister Cooke and Mr. Macy!
👕Extra special thank you to Champion City Gaming for sponsoring team jerseys! We love them!

Good afternoon, NWES Parents and Guardians! Wittenberg University received grant money to promote literacy in elementary schools across Clark County. They used the additional funds from the grant to purchase school supplies and books for each student in our school. Today, students in grades PK (p.m. only) through third grade received their bags of school supplies and books. Early next week, a.m. PK students and students in grades 4-6 will receive their supplies and books. We feel fortunate that Wittenberg included us in this program and hope your students enjoy the supplies and books. Have a great evening, and Go WARRIORS!

Calling all Rubik’s Cube Enthusiasts
Test your puzzle-solving skills at our Rubik's Cube Challenge event on Saturday, December 7, at 10 a.m. at the Montgomery County ESC! Whether you're a beginner or an experienced solver, this event is for students in grades 3-8 and their families. Join us for fun, meet fellow cube enthusiasts, and maybe even set a personal record. Learn more and register today! https://tinyurl.com/6hmw4yuz

Are your elementary students talking about Granny's Wacky Prizes and have you been wondering what they are talking about? Granny is a character from our self-regulation education program called PAX. Pax means 'peace' and encourages students to seek peace in regulating their emotions.
When students work together and achieve their Pax Good Behavior Goal, they can choose a Wacky Prize from Granny's famous pouch.
Prizes might include:
👛 Giggle Feet: Lay on your back with feet in the air and shake all your giggles out.
👜 Paper Airplane toss: winning team gets to make and launch paper airplanes
👝 Slo-Mo High Fives: give slow motion high fives to two other students
👛 Thumb Wrestling Champion
👜 1 min Rock Paper Scissors Tournament
👝 Arm Toots- Yes, that's right, 30 seconds of 🌬️
Ask your student what their favorite Wacky Prize is from Granny's Pouch.

🚨📖 Warrior Community, would you enjoy working with students to improve literacy skills? We have partnered with Americorps through our regional Educational Service Center to add additional reading tutors who will work directly with students on reading strategies.
Start training in December and be working with students in January! Americorps is a national service that is grant funded and provides $1600/month plus a very nice stipend toward college expenses for providing this service. If you are not planning to go to college and are over 55, it can be transferred to a family member.📖🚨
Please use this link to apply: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe-b6oeTUCywYCX64mt3EMSRaBiZaBLZWlbvqQt5qT-0vcZjQ/viewform?pli=1

Students in grades 10-12 will be taking the YouScience Careers Aptitude Assessment during Pride time this week. Here is a short video explaining the positive impacts of YouScience. Student results are accessible for them for 10 years!