Happy Administrative Professionals Day to our amazing team that holds us all together! We truly have the best!
almost 2 years ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Northwestern Families, As the school year winds down, students should no longer be charging for meals when their accounts are at a zero or negative balance. Please be sure to pay off all negative meal balances and have funds available on your student(s) account. We kindly ask for you to send in packed lunches if your child is carrying a negative balance until that balance can be paid off. Low balance letters are emailed out multiple times throughout the week. If you are not receiving those, please be sure to check in your spam mail or contact me with an accurate email address. Thank you, Jamie Fisher Food Service Director
almost 2 years ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Don't forget to turn in your 2023-2024 open enrollment forms by May 1st!
almost 2 years ago, Northwestern Local Schools
The agenda for April's Board Meeting has been posted online. The meeting will take place on Wednesday, April 19th at 6:30 p.m. in the Athletic Complex. https://www.northwestern.k12.oh.us/page/the-board-of-education
almost 2 years ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Hello! All sporting events are canceled for today. Practices are still being held. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Just a reminder to all families: The spring newsletter had an error on the calendar. Monday, April 17th is NOT a virtual day. Sorry for any confusion!
almost 2 years ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Help support our NW Softball team!
almost 2 years ago, Northwestern Local Schools
National Assistant Principals Week, April 3–7, 2023, is a celebration of the unsung heroes in our education system. These dedicated folks work tirelessly to bolster teachers, motivate students, support their principal, create a positive learning community, and face the many unpredictable challenges that land on their desk. Assistant Principals play a crucial role, and this week is a dedicated time to recognize them for their hard work and commitment to our schools, students, and profession. Please join us in celebrating these incredible school leaders! THANK YOU MRS. REBERNAK AND MR. BUSHEY!!
almost 2 years ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Congratulations to this year's Young Authors Winners, Lucy Bowers and Braelynn Fitzsimmons!
almost 2 years ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Summer Learning registration is now open! Scan the QR code on the image or click the link to register. http://tinyurl.com/NWSummer23
almost 2 years ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Good afternoon NWES parents and guardians. If you reside in Chateau Estates or the Honey Creek Mobile Home Park, please expect your students to arrive home 30-45 minutes after their normal drop-off time. If you decide to pick your student(s) up due to this delay, please make sure that you call the elementary office at 937.964.3240 to make this change. Thank you and GO WARRIORS!!!!
almost 2 years ago, Luke Everhart
The April 20th Board of Education meeting has been moved to Wednesday, April 19, 2023 at 6:30 in the Athletic Complex.
almost 2 years ago, Jesse Steiner
The April Board Meeting has been changed to April 19th. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Northwestern Schools locked down briefly for safety reasons. A possible threat at a neighboring school prompted the lockdown. Everything is fine at Northwestern. The buildings are open. Two German Township police cars are in front of our buildings as a precaution.
almost 2 years ago, Jesse Steiner
Have you purchased your tickets for the Athletic Booster Dinner?! Follow the link to purchase your tickets and reserve your meal by March 19th! https://www.northwestern.k12.oh.us/page/event-box-office-tickets?fbclid=IwAR2J2OhhBZAlpf2x-dMLuIATzpeIw4EUuqNDi0IcGlHFATS7nQLJEfolSUs
almost 2 years ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Reminder to all families: Monday, March 20th is a scheduled virtual day.
almost 2 years ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Check out the art show tonight, Friday and Saturday from 5:45-6:50 AND during intermission at the musical!
almost 2 years ago, Northwestern Local Schools
The high school production of the musical Oklahoma! is set to open Thursday, March 16th in the Northwestern High School cafeteria. Show dates include March 16th, 17th, and 18th with all start times at 7:00 pm. Tickets are on sale through Hometown Ticketing or at the door the night of the performance. Prices are: $10 for priority seating, $8 for adult general admission, and $6 for student general admission. No cash will be taken at the door. 
Our Northwestern students have worked incredibly hard and would love a packed house in the audience each evening! https://www.northwestern.k12.oh.us/page/event-box-office-tickets
almost 2 years ago, Northwestern Local Schools
Students celebrated Pi Day in a variety of ways that included t-shirt creation and pancakes! We hope everyone had a wonderful Pi Day!
almost 2 years ago, Northwestern Local Schools
The agenda for March's Board Meeting has been posted online. The meeting will take place on Thursday, March 16th at 6:30 p.m. in the Athletic Complex. https://www.northwestern.k12.oh.us/page/the-board-of-education
almost 2 years ago, Northwestern Local Schools